Private acupuncture practice of Doctor Alex Tatevian, known as Acu Well Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine, from the time of its establishment in 2000, has patient-centered care as the philosophy of the practice. At Acu Well, we are dedicated to provide you with the best quality of care to help you achieve your best state of health.
We provide a health care environment in which patients are empowered through education and involvement in their own care. We work with each patient individually by building a foundation of mutual understanding, trust, respect and confidentiality.
Dr. Alex Tatevian offers expert treatment for back pain, headaches, neuromuscular and musculo-skeleton disorders and integrative approach to wellness including traditional acupuncture, state-of-the-art laser acupuncture, manual applications and other therapies as needed, within Acupuncture Scope of Practice.
(Acupuncture scope of practice is defined as proprietary use of acupuncture procedures for medicinal purposes by licensed acupuncturist or certified professional.
Acupuncture procedures are defined as the system of procedures for utilization of Acupuncture Points (AP) (aka "Biologically Active Points" BAP) by non-chemical means and non-pharmaceutical methods of therapy.
Acupuncture Points (AP) are defined as specific focal areas on the body identified by their distinctive properties (electrical, thermal, biochemical, physiological, anatomical, etc.)).