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All About Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a method of prevention, correction and treatment of a disease, illness, injury or pain by encouraging the body to promote natural healing and improve functioning. This objective is implemented by the stimulation of certain biologically active points on the surface of the body (acupuncture points).

These strategic points can be stimulated by the insertion of acupuncture needles or by non-invasive techniques and other means of physical stimulation.

Definition of Acupuncture

Acupuncture is defined as the system of procedures for utilization of Acupuncture Points (AP) (aka "Biologically Active Points" BAP) by non-chemical means and non-pharmaceutical methods of therapy.

Acupuncture Points (AP) are defined as specific focal areas on the body identified by their distinctive properties (electrical, thermal, biochemical, physiological, anatomical, etc.).

Practice of acupuncture is defined as proprietary use of acupuncture procedures for medicinal purposes by licensed acupuncturist or certified professional.

A key feature of acupuncture as a kind of medical intervention is that there is no administration of any chemical substances in any form or delivery system.

This links displayed below are courtesy of www.doctorgetwell.org The rationale of the information that is offered there is to give you accurate data about basics of acupuncture without promotional or commercial bias.







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ACU Well Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine

Address: 141 Airport Road, Warwick, Rhode Island, RI 02889
Tel: (401) 738-WELL (9355)
E-mail: getwell@doctor.com
www: http://acu-well.com